Parallel-Split Shadow Mapping


The parallel-split shadow maps allow each map to sample a smaller area by increasing the sampling frequency in texture space. This technique requires how to determine the split positions when splitting the view frustum. In this project, scene-independent proejction is only considered.


Let mm be the number of split, then the view frustum VV is split into {Vi0im1}\{V_i | 0 \leq i \leq m - 1\} and the clip plane CC is into {Ci0im}\{C_i | 0 \leq i \leq m\}. Especially, C0=nC_0 = n (near plane position of the main camera) and Cm=fC_m = f (far plane position of the main camera). The overview of this algorithm is as follows:

  1. calculate each CiC_i and split the view frustum VV into mm parts.
  2. for each ViV_i, calculate the special crop matrix using the view-projection matrix of the light.
  3. generate the depth map from the light view using the crop matrix.
  4. render the scene by the depth range of ViV_i.

step 1: calculate each CiC_i and split the view frustum VV into mm parts.


Note that the range of the normalized shadow plane is [-1, 1] not [0, 1]. NDC ranges from -1.0 to 1.0 in OpenGL system.

To determine the proper split positions, consider the shadow map aliasing error dpds\frac{dp}{ds} which is divided into perspective aliasing and projection aliasing. The above figure shows that the small red edge on an object is projected on the view plane and normalized shadow plane. Let the length of this red edge be LL. Then, dz=Lcosβdy=Lcosα=dzcosβcosα\begin{aligned} dz &= L \cdot \cos\beta \\ dy &= L \cdot \cos\alpha = \frac{dz}{\cos\beta}\cos\alpha \end{aligned}

By triangle similarity, the shadow map aliasing error can be written as follows: n:dp=z:dydp=nzdydpds=nzdyds=nzdzcosαdscosβ\begin{aligned} n : dp &= z : dy \\ dp &= \frac{n}{z}dy \\ \frac{dp}{ds} &= \frac{n}{z}\frac{dy}{ds} = \frac{n}{z}\frac{dz \cos\alpha}{ds \cos\beta} \end{aligned}

In this situation, perspective aliasing happens when dzzds\frac{dz}{z ds} is large and projection aliasing when cosαcosβ\frac{\cos\alpha}{cos\beta} is large. Projection aliasing occurs usually for sufaces almost parallel to the light direction, which means β\beta is close to 90°90\degree and cosβ\cos\beta is almost zero. So this aliasing depends on local geometry details and requires an expensive scene analysis to reduce errors. Perspective aliasing, on the other hand, is caused by the viewer’s perspective projection matrix, which means that this aliasing can be imporved using a perspective projection transformation. Theoretically the optimal distribution of perspective aliasing makes the error constant over the entire depth range. So let this aliasing be a constant cc. dzzds=cdzz=cds1scds=c(s+1)=nz1zdz=lnzn\begin{aligned} \frac{dz}{z ds} &= c \\ \frac{dz}{z} &= c ds \\ \int_{-1}^{s} c ds &= c(s + 1) = \int_{n}^{z} \frac{1}{z}dz = \ln\frac{z}{n} \end{aligned}

Considering s=1s = 1 when z=fz = f, the constant cc can be calculated. c=12lnfn\begin{aligned} c &= \frac{1}{2} \ln\frac{f}{n} \end{aligned}

For finding the ii-th clip plane position CiC_i, si=2i/m1s_i = 2i/m - 1 as the resolution allocated for each split should be 1/m1/m of the overall texture resolution. si+12lnfn=lnCinimlnfn=lnCinCi=n(fn)im\begin{aligned} \frac{s_i + 1}{2} \ln\frac{f}{n} &= \ln\frac{C_i}{n} \\ \frac{i}{m} \ln\frac{f}{n} &= \ln\frac{C_i}{n} \\ C_i &= n \left(\frac{f}{n}\right)^\frac{i}{m} \end{aligned}

This is called the logarithmic split scheme. Without this, the uniform split scheme can be used to find CiC_i. Ci=n+(fn)im\begin{aligned} C_i &= n + (f - n) \frac{i}{m} \end{aligned}

However, [1] suggests that the weighted combined version of logarithmic and uniform split schemes. So these two CiC_i values can be mixed with linear interpolation.

step 2: for each ViV_i, calculate the special crop matrix using the view-projection matrix of the light.

Once the view frustum is split, all the vertices for each ViV_i are transformed to NDC using the view-projection matrix of the light. Note that the minimum zz-value among the transformed vertices is set to be 1-1 so that the near plane position remains unchanged. After that, the crop matrix is calculated to effectively zoom-in the light’s frucstum. Note that a matrix is stored in column-major to send to OpenGL.

Note that the range of the normalized shadow plane is [-1, 1] not [0, 1]. NDC ranges from -1.0 to 1.0 in OpenGL system.

  glm::mat4 crop(1.0f);
  crop[0][0] = 2.0f / (max_point.x - min_point.x);
  crop[1][1] = 2.0f / (max_point.y - min_point.y);
  crop[2][2] = 2.0f / (max_point.z - min_point.z);
  crop[3][0] = -0.5f * (max_point.x + min_point.x) * crop[0][0];
  crop[3][1] = -0.5f * (max_point.y + min_point.y) * crop[1][1];
  crop[3][2] = -0.5f * (max_point.z + min_point.z) * crop[2][2];

step 3: generate the depth map from the light view using the crop matrix.


At first, generate the depth map from the light view. In this situation, the crop matrix should be multiplied after the projection matrix of the light.

step 4: render the scene by the depth range of ViV_i.

With the depth map from step 3, the scene can be rendered finally. However, for each ViV_i, the depth range should be adjusted considering CiC_i and near/far plane positions.


[1] Chapter 10. Parallel-Split Shadow Maps on Programmable GPUs

[2] Wimmer, Michael et al. “Light Space Perspective Shadow Maps.” Rendering Techniques (2004).


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