As an example of the positive definiteness, let a=c=1 and b=0. It means xtAx=x12+x22>0. It looks like a convex function.
As an example of the positive semi-definiteness, let a=1 and b=c=0. It means xtAx=x12≥0. It looks like a convex function, but there exists a point such that xtAx=0 for x=0.
As an example of the negative definiteness, let a=c=−1 and b=0. It means xtAx=−x12−x22<0. It looks like a concave function.
As an example of the negative semi-definiteness, let a=−1 and b=c=0. It means xtAx=−x12≤0. It looks like a concave function, but there exists a point such that xtAx=0 for x=0.
As an example of the indefiniteness, let a=1, b=0, and c=−1. It means xtAx=x12−x22. It does not look like a shape of the positive and negative definiteness. It has rather a saddle point.
3. Application: Hessian matrix
Suppose that f:Rn→R is twice continuously differentiable function and x is a critical point of f. According to Taylor’s Theorem,
where s is an N×1 vector, Hf is the Hessian matrix of f and α∈(0,1). Since x is a critical point, ∇f(x)=0. Meanwhile, if Hf is positive definite, this property should be also true near x, so is Hf(x+αs). It means that f is increasing near x. Therefore, f(x+s)>f(x) and f(x) is a local minimum.
For a critical point x, if Hf is positive definite, then x is a minimum of f.
For a critical point x, if Hf is negative definite, then x is a maximum of f.
For a critical point x, if Hf is indefinite, then x is a saddle point of f.
For a critical point x, if Hf is semi-definite, then it requires a higher order differentiation.
4. Application: Cholesky factorization
If A is symmetric and positive (semi-)definite, the Cholesky factorization of A is available, which is arranged so that LLt=A where L is lower triangular.
If there exists L such that LLt=A, then for x=0, xtAx=xtLLtx=(Ltx)t(Ltx)=∥Ltx∥2≥0. Therefore, A is positive (semi-)definite.
Note that A3 cannot be factorized because it is indefinite. Moreover, the Cholesky factorization can have more than one solution such as A4.
5. How to tell if the matrix is positive definite
All pivots are positive: After Gaussian elimination, pivots are the first non-zero element in each row of a matrix. If all pivots of a matrix are positive, then it is positive definite.
After Gaussian elimination, A has the negative pivot, so it is not positive definite.
All the determinants of upper-left submatrices are positive:
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