For two arbitrary ideal points which are of the form (x,y,0)t, these points are always on the line l∞=(0,0,1)t since (x1,y1,0)tx(x2,y2,0)t=l∞.
A point on l∞ is transformed to another point on l∞ by affine transformation. But it is transformed to a point on the vanishing line by projective transformation.
2. How to remove the projective distortion
Projective transformation causes the distortion such that parallel lines in affine space are not parallel any more because a vanishing line comes about.
Let the vanishing line be l=(l1,l2,l3)t, then l is mapped to l∞ by a matrix H as follows:
While a point is transformed by H, a normal vector is transformed by H−t. So H−tl=l∞.
Even though the projective distortion is removed, there is still the affine distortion, which a square shape turns into a parallelogram shape. In other words, the angle between lines is not preserved.
Assume that two lines l, m, and dual degenerate conic C∞∗ in the original space are transformed to l′, m′ and C∞′∗ by affine transformation. Then l′=H−tl, m′=H−tm, and C∞′∗=HC∞∗Ht.
For the angle θ between l and m, the numerator of cosθ is ltC∞∗m=(l′tH)(H−1C∞′∗H−t)(Htm′)=l′tC∞′∗m′.
When l and m are perpendicular, l′tC∞′∗m′=0. It yields as follows:
S is symmetric, s12=s21, and s22 can be set to 1 since S is defined up to scale.
If we get two pairs of l and m which are perpendicular, then S can be calculated.
Having calculated S, H can be esimated assuming A is positive-definite. From S=AAt, the eigenvalues of A are the positive square roots of teh eigenvalues of S.
After removing the affine distortion, there still remains the similarity distortion.
5. Hierarchy of transformation in 3D is similar to that in 2D
As a point on l∞ is transformed to another point on l∞ by affine transformation, a point on the plane Π∞=(0,0,0,1)t is also transformed to another point on Π∞.
As a point on l∞ is transformed to a point on the vanishing line by projective transformation, a point on Π∞=(0,0,0,1)t is transformed to a point on the specific plane.
When a cube is transformed in projective space, each a pair of parallel lines is not parallel any more and intersects at a point which is not at infinity such as v1, v2, and v3.
These points v1, v2, and v3 consist of a plane Π which does correspond to Π∞ in affine space.
If we know this plane Π, it can be transformed to Π∞ by some matrix H, so the projective distortion can be removed.
Let Π=(π1,π2,π3,π4)t=(πt,π4)t, then the following H restores Π to Π∞:
Keep going!Keep going ×2!Give me more!Thank you, thank youFar too kind!Never gonna give me up?Never gonna let me down?Turn around and desert me!You're an addict!Son of a clapper!No wayGo back to work!This is getting out of handUnbelievablePREPOSTEROUSI N S A N I T YFEED ME A STRAY CAT