Algebraic Techniques 02 - Factorization
- ✔ Sophie-Germain’s Identity
- ✔ Useful Identities to Remember
- Factorize x4+x2+1.
- Factorize x5+x+1.
- Given the following equations for all real numbers a, b, c, and d, find d+a+2da.
- For all real numbers a, b, c, and d such that a2+b2+c2+d2≤1, find the maximum of the following expression.
- For real numbers a, b, and c, prove the following equation.
- Reference
✔ Sophie-Germain’s Identity
x4+4y4=(x2+2xy+2y2)(x2−2xy+2y2)✔ Useful Identities to Remember
a3+b3+c3−3abc=(a+b+c)(a2+b2+c2−ab−bc−ca) a2+b2+c2−ab−bc−ca=2(a−b)2+(b−c)2+(c−a)2 a2+b2+c2+ab+bc+ca=2(a+b)2+(b+c)2+(c+a)2
Factorize x4+x2+1.
[Solution] Adding and subtracting x2, x4+x2+1=x4+2x2+1−x2=(x2+1)2−x2=(x2−x+1)(x2+x+1)
Another solution is to use the technique in the previous post x4+x2+1=(x2+a)2−(bx+c)2=x4+(2a−b2)x2−2bcx+a2−c2
Comparing coefficients, 2a−b2=1, −2bc=0, and a2−c2=1. So b=0 or c=0. If b=0, it makes a=1/2 and there is a contradiction getting c2+3/4=0. So c=0 and a2=1. Finally, a=1 and b2=1 since another contradiction comes up when a=−1, which allows the same result. x4+x2+1=(x2+1)2−x2=(x2−x+1)(x2+x+1)
Factorize x5+x+1.
[Solution] Adding and subtracting x2, x5+x+1=x5−x2+x2+x+1=x2(x3−1)+x2+x+1
Considering that x3−1=(x−1)(x2+x+1), x2(x3−1)+x2+x+1=(x2+x+1)(x2(x−1)+1)=(x2+x+1)(x3−x2+1)
Given the following equations for all real numbers a, b, c, and d, find d+a+2da.
[Solution] It is important to observe the patterns of these equations. Using the fact 1+2(x+y+2xy)=1+2x+2y+4xy=(1+2x)(1+2y)
these equations can be factorized as (1+2a)(1+2b)=7,(1+2b)(1+2c)=9,(1+2c)(1+2d)=−9
Let x=2a+1, y=2b+1, z=2c+1, and t=2d+1, then xy=7, yz=9, and zt=−9. So, y=7/x, z=9/y=9x/7, and (9x/7)t=−9. It implies that xt=−7. d+a+2da=2xt−1=−4
For all real numbers a, b, c, and d such that a2+b2+c2+d2≤1, find the maximum of the following expression.
[Solution] The main idea that is hard to come up with is adding (a−b)4 to (a+b)4. (a+b)4+(a−b)4=a4+4a3b+6a2b2+4ab3+b4+a4−4a3b+6a2b2−4ab3+b4=2(a4+b4+6a2b2)
Using this fact, +=(a+b)4+(a+c)4+(a+d)4+(b+c)4+(b+d)4+(c+d)4(a−b)4+(a−c)4+(a−d)4+(b−c)4+(b−d)4+(c−d)46(a4+b4+c4+d4)+12(a2b2+b2c2+c2d2+d2a2+a2c2+b2d2)
Considering (x+y+z+t)2=x2+y2+z2+t2+2(xy+yz+zt+tx+xz+yt), the right side of the above equation is 6(a2+b2+c2+d2)2. By the constraint of the problem, 6(a2+b2+c2+d2)2≤6. Therefore, (a+b)4+(a+c)4+(a+d)4+(b+c)4+(b+d)4+(c+d)4≤6
The equal sign is valid when a=b=c=d=±1/2.
For real numbers a, b, and c, prove the following equation.
[Solution] Let x=a−b, y=b−c, and z=c−a, then x+y+z=0 and a2+b2+c2−ab−bc−ca=2(a−b)2+(b−c)2+(c−a)2=2x2+y2+z2
So, it is sufficient to prove that x5+y5+z5=25xyz(x2+y2+z2)
By z=−x−y, x5+y5+z5=x5+y5−(x+y)5=(x+y)(x4−x3y+x2y2−xy3+y4−(x+y)4)=(x+y)(−x3y+x2y2−xy3−4x3y−6x2y2−4xy3)=−5(x+y)(x3y+xy3+x2y2)=5zxy(x2+y2+xy)
Since 25xyz(x2+y2+z2)=25xyz(x2+y2+(x+y)2)=5xyz(x2+xy+y2)
comparing two equations completes the proof. Another way to prove this is by using relationship between roots and coefficients of cubic equation. Let S=xy+yz+zx and P=xyz, then for any real number t, (t−x)(t−y)(t−z)=t3+St−P
Since x, y, and z are the solutions of t3+St−P=0, so does t5+St3−Pt2=0. Adding two equations, x, y, and z are also the solutions of t5+S(P−St)−Pt2=0. It shows that x5+y5+z5+S(3P−S(x+y+z))−P(x2+y2+z2)=0
Using the fact that x+y+z=0, ⟺x5+y5+z5+3SP−P(x2+y2+z2)=0x5+y5+z5=P(x2+y2+z2−3S)
So, it is sufficient to prove that x2+y2+z2−3(xy+yz+zx)=25(x2+y2+z2)
It implies that x2+y2+z2+2(xy+yz+zx)=(x+y+z)2=0, which is obvious because x+y+z=0.
[1] Titu Andreescu, 105 Algebra Problems.