For the convergence tests of series, the n-th term test should be the first. If the limit as n approaches infinity is not zero, the series diverges. Otherwise, other convergence tests should be applied after that. For simple tests, the following techniques may be useful even without proof.
The radius of Convergence is half of the interval of convergence for a power series. For a power series n=0∑∞anf(x)n, the radius of Convergence r is r=n→∞lim∣∣an+1an∣∣
In other words, the interval of convergence can be set ∣f(x)∣<r. The test about boundaries of this interval should be determined after putting r into the power series. There are techniques to find r easily depending on the form of an as follows.
Given a monotone decreasing sequence ⟨an⟩, ∑an converges if and only if ∫m∞andn is finite for m≥n. If the integral diverges, then the series diverges as well.
[Proof] Consider an as a curve. Then, the total area of rectangles below this curve is a2+a3+⋯. Also, the total area of rectangles above this curve is a1+a2+⋯. Since the difference between the two areas is a1, this does not affect the convergence test. As such, the following inequalities hold. a2+a3+⋯<∫m∞andn<a1+a2+⋯
Since the integral is between the two areas, the convergence test depends on whether the integral is finite.
2. Partial Sum
For two sequences ⟨an⟩, ⟨bn⟩, and the partial sum sn=∑k=1nak, the following equation holds.k=1∑nakbk=k=1∑nsk(bk−bk+1)+snbn+1
[Proof] For convenience, let s0=0. k=1∑nakbk=k=1∑n(sk−sk−1)bk=k=1∑nskbk−k=1∑nsk−1bk=k=1∑nskbk−k=1∑nskbk+1+snbn+1=k=1∑nsk(bk−bk+1)+snbn+1
Therefore, ∑akbk converges if and only if ∑sk(bk−bk+1) and the sequence ⟨snbn+1⟩ converge.
If the partial sum sn=∑k=1nak of a sequence ⟨an⟩ is bounded, and limn→∞bn=0 and bn≥bn+1 for another sequence ⟨bn⟩, then ∑n=1∞anbn converges.
[Proof] Since bn≥bn+1, k=1∑n∣bk−bk+1∣⟹n=1∑∞∣bn−bn+1∣=∣b1−b2∣+∣b2−b3∣+⋯+∣bn−bn+1∣=(b1−b2)+(b2−b3)+⋯+(bn−bn+1)=b1−bn+1=b1
Therefore, ∑n=1∞anbn converges as well by the partial sum theorem.
If ∑n=1∞an converges and a monotonic sequence ⟨bn⟩ is bounded, then ∑n=1∞anbn converges.
[Proof] If ⟨bn⟩ is increasing, k=1∑n∣bk−bk+1∣=∣b1−b2∣+∣b2−b3∣+⋯+∣bn−bn+1∣=(b2−b1)+(b3−b2)+⋯+(bn+1−bn)=bn+1−b1
If ⟨bn⟩ is decreasing, k=1∑n∣bk−bk+1∣=∣b1−b2∣+∣b2−b3∣+⋯+∣bn−bn+1∣=(b1−b2)+(b2−b3)+⋯+(bn−bn+1)=b1−bn+1
Therefore, ∑n=1∞∣bn−bn+1∣ converges. Let sn=∑k=1nak, then sn is bounded since ∑n=1∞an converges, which means that ∑n=1∞sn(bn−bn+1)converges absolutely. In addition, ⟨bn⟩ also converges by the monotone convergence theorem, which implies that ⟨snbn+1⟩ converges. Therefore, ∑n=1∞anbn converges as well by the partial sum theorem.
Let two sequences of positive constants be ⟨an⟩ and ⟨bn⟩, and cn=an+1anbn−bn+1.
(i) If n→∞liminfcn>0, then ∑an converges.
(ii) If n→∞limsupcn<0 and ∑bn1 diverges, then ∑an diverges.
[Proof] (i) Let ρ=n→∞liminfcn. Since ρ/2>0, for some natrual number N such that n>N, cn≥ρ−2ρ=2ρ
Since an+1>0 for n>N, then bnan−bn+1an+1≥2ρan+1
By mathematical induction, for a natrual number p, the following inequalities hold. 2ρaN+12ρaN+22ρaN+p⟹2ρ(aN+1+≤bNaN−bN+1aN+1≤bN+1aN+1−bN+2aN+2⋮≤bN+p−1aN+p−1−bN+paN+paN+2+⋯+aN+p)≤bNaN−bN+paN+p
For sn=∑k=1nak, sN+p−sN≤ρ2(bNaN−bN+paN+p)≤ρ2bNaN
This result implies that the sequence ⟨sn⟩ is bounded. Therefore, ∑an converges.
(ii) For some natrual number N such that n>N, cn<0. That is, the sequence ⟨anbn⟩ is increasing since bnan−bn+1an+1<0 for n>N. Therefore, k=1∑nak≥k=1∑Nak+k=N+1∑nbkbNaN=k=1∑Nak+bNaNk=N+1∑nbk1
Let ⟨an⟩ be a sequence of positive constants. ∑an converges if and only if A>1 if the following conditions hold.
For a sequence ⟨vn⟩, ∣vn∣≤C/n1+k where k and C are positive real numbers and M is a natural number such that n≥M.
For some natrual number N such that n≥N, an+1an=1+nA+vn.
[Proof] By the assumption, for n≥N, n(an+1an−1)=A+nvn
Also, ∣nvn∣≤C/nk since ∣vn∣≤C/n1+k for n≥M. When k>0, n→∞lim1/nk=0, then n→∞limnvn=0. Therefore, n→∞limn(an+1an−1)=A+n→∞limnvn=A
By Raabe’s test, ∑an converges if A>1 and ∑an diverges if A<1. Now, consider the case of A=1. Let N1=max(N,M). Reforming the original equation for n≥N1, an+1an=1+n1+nlnnvnnlnn
For n≥N1, ∣vnnlnn∣≤Clnn/nk. Also, since n→∞limlnn/nk=0 for k>0, n→∞limvnnlnn=0. Therefore, for some natrual number N2 such that n≥N2, ∣vnnlnn∣≤1. Thus, when n=max(N1,N2), an+1an≤1+n1+nlnn1
By Bertrand’s test, ∑an diverges.
9. Simplified Gauss
From Gauss’s test, consider that vn=rn/n2 and k=1. Let ⟨an⟩ be a sequence of positive constants, and ⟨rn⟩ be a bounded sequence. ∑an converges if and only if A>1 if the following condition
[Proof] (i) By the ratio test, ∑n=0∞anxn converges considering the following, an+1an⟹=(β−n)!n!β!β!(β−n−1)!(n+1)!=β−nn+1n→∞lim∣∣anxnan+1xn+1∣∣=n→∞lim∣∣n+1(β−n)x∣∣=∣x∣
(ii) Let n>β, then ∣∣an+1an∣∣=n−βn+1=1+n−β1+β=1+n1+β(1+n−ββ)=1+n1+β+n(n−β)β(1+β)=1+n1+β+n21(n−βnβ(1+β))
Let A=1+β and An=nβ(1+β)/(n−β). For n>β, ∣An∣=∣∣1−nββ(1+β)∣∣≤⎩⎨⎧1−⌊β⌋+1β∣β(1+β)∣(β>0)∣β(1+β)∣(β<0)
So, a sequence ⟨An⟩ is bounded. By Gauss’s test, n=0∑∞anxn converges absolutely if x=±1 and A=1+β>1, which is β>0.
(iii) Since anxn=an(−1)n=∣an∣, n=0∑∞anxn diverges.
(iv) n=0∑∞anxn diverges since the sequence ⟨an⟩ does not converge to zero considering the following, ∣an∣=∣∣(β−n)!n!β!∣∣=∣∣1⋅2⋯⋅nβ(β−1)⋯(β−(n−1))∣∣=1⋅2⋯⋅n∣β∣(∣β∣+1)⋯(∣β∣+(n−1))≥1
(v) Since 0<−β<1, k<−β+k<k+1. Then, an=1⋅2⋯⋅nβ(β−1)⋯(β−(n−1))=(−1)n1⋅2⋯⋅n(−β)(−β+1)⋯(−β+(n−1))
Let an=(−1)nbn for a sequence ⟨bn⟩ such that b0=1. Then, 0<bn<1 since k<−β+k<k+1. Also, ⟨bn⟩ is the sequence of positive numbers strictly decreasing since bnbn+1=(n+1)!(−β)(−β+1)⋯(−β+n)(−β)(−β+1)⋯(−β+(n−1))n!=n+1−β+n<1
Considering lnt<t−1 for 0<t<1, bn⟹lnbn=bn−1bnbn−2bn−1⋯b1b2b1=k=1∑nlnbk−1bk<k=1∑n(bk−1bk−1)=k=1∑n(k−β+k−1−1)=(−β−1)k=1∑nk1
Since −β−1<0 and k=1∑∞1/k=∞, n→∞limlnbn=−∞ and n→∞limbn=0. By alternating series test, ∑anxn=∑an=∑(−1)nbn converges. Meanwhile, ∑∣an∣ diverges if β<0. Therefore, n=0∑∞anxn converges conditionally.
Keep going!Keep going ×2!Give me more!Thank you, thank youFar too kind!Never gonna give me up?Never gonna let me down?Turn around and desert me!You're an addict!Son of a clapper!No wayGo back to work!This is getting out of handUnbelievablePREPOSTEROUSI N S A N I T YFEED ME A STRAY CAT